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Finding a coin counting machine is easy with Progressive Business Systems
To start with, a lot of coin counters and sorters out there are basically toys. I recently was in the local department store chain near where I live. I happened to pass by the office supplies aisle. I noticed that the store was offering several different coin counting machines. I couldn’t help but crack a smile when I saw what they really were. Basically, they were $20 and $50 dollar toys being sold as “office” coin counters.
I believe that buying an inadequate coin counting machine is one of the biggest grievances I find among our customers. There are few things worse than purchasing a coin counter machine only to find out it won’t do what you need.
Here are coin counting questions to ask before purchasing a machine.
What Types of Coins Will You Be Counting?
If counting U.S. Currency in terms of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, most coin counters will work for you. If you will be counting dollar coins or tokens, you may have to check and see if this is a possibility. However, coin counter machines that will handle tokens and dollar coins do exist.
How Many Coins Do You Need to Count Per Day?

You can get a coin counter with sorting and counting capabilities
Where Will You Be Using Your Machine?
We try to offer dimensions with all our machines. Be sure you have adequate room before acquiring a coin counter machine.
Do You Also Need to Sort?
It is worth noting that most coin counters sort, but not all coin sorters count. If you need sorting and counting capabilities, ensure that you verify that the machine can do that before making a purchase.
These are some of the most fundamental questions you will want to ask before making a purchase. You can contact us if you need to find and buy the best coin counter.