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Why Check Signer Machines Can Save Your Business

The issue of payment is a thorny one in most industries. You're up against time, fraud, and a whole host of other problems when you're paying your staff. How can you be sure that you're going to be keeping your business safe as you get those checks signed? The answer lies in electronic check signers. Here's what they do, and how you can use them to keep your company safe.

What Is A Check Signing Machine?

Check Signer MachineSimply put, a check-signing machine is a machine that automatically prints a signature onto checks and other documents. They have been designed to save companies a lot of time and effort when they're organizing paychecks, so you can streamline the process considerably.

There are lots of different options when it comes to checking signing machines, so you'll need to do your research before you pick one for you. Pick the right machine, and you'll wonder how you ever did without it.

Save Time And Effort

If you're running a small business, or just starting out, then right now you're probably signing those checks by hand. You're not just signing them for your staff, either. Suppliers and other services need to be paid if you want to keep your business running.

This is an essential task, but it eats up a surprisingly large amount of time. That's time you need to complete other tasks and keep your business ticking over. A Wycom check signer may be just the thing you need in order to save time and get back to the tasks that matter.

Protect Yourself From Fraud

If there's one thing that business owners should worry about, it's potential fraud. Checks offer a potential way of money being taken from your company, often without your knowledge. That's why it's so important to keep track of what's being paid and to whom.

An automatic check signer can actually help you do this. When you set up for the first time, you'll need to decide who will be in charge of using it. Only those designated people will be able to use the machine, so you'll be able to see who's signing checks, and when.

As well as this, there will be security controls on the machine that will stop others from using it. These often come in the form of passcodes that designated users will need to know before they can operate it. This will require you and your staff to keep the passcode safe. Just like with online passwords, you'll need to pick a secure code and avoid writing it down anywhere, to ensure that no one unauthorized can access the machine.

Picking The Right Machine For You

Once you're in the market for a check signer, you'll see that there's a huge range out there for you to choose from. Here's what you should consider before making your choice:

Paper: You'll usually have the option of two types of paper usage. The first is normal cut sheet paper, and the second is continuous forms. Which one will you be using on a regular basis?

Amount of checks: The number of checks you'll be signing each week or month matter. If you'll be signing thousands of checks, an automatic machine will be the best option. If not, a manual machine will be for you.

Paper size: Different machines use different sizes of paper. Take a look at the size each machine uses when you're considering them, to ensure you get the right machine for you.

Security: As mentioned above, most machines will come with a keypad that will require you to input a passcode before use. Pick a model like this, to ensure that your business is kept safe.

Amount of signatures: You'll need to consider how many people will need to be signing checks at any one time. Most machines will offer you the option of loading 1-3 signature plates into them at any one time, so make sure you buy a model that fits your needs.

Picking the right check signing machine for your business can help you run more effectively, as well as protect yourself against fraud. Use the tips to pick a machine from our line up and you'll see the difference they make.