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Top Benefits of the Wycom Check Signer

Wycom Check SignerFrom the recent years of 2000 – 2012 A.D., the usage of checks is said to have decreased by 50% - in just those twelve years. Credit cards more specifically, the Debit Card, is quickly replacing the need to carry around a checkbook. In all actuality, credit cards are smaller, easier to carry around, it is quicker to swipe them rather than to write out a check, it saves the user money when they no longer have to pay $15 or more for a booklet of checks, and every credit card transaction is electronically documented so there is no need to keep track of each penny spent and no need to do all the math required to balance that checkbook.

First invented in 1950, and made more useful in 1958 by the American Express Company, the credit card is a somewhat recent, and popular luxury. By the ‘70s the debit card was invented as other banks began experimenting…usage really skyrocketed by 1990 when the ATMs began appearing.

There are, however, several downsides to using cards because many people find it far easier to spend money with a quick swipe of their card. It seems so much easier to just “let the money go”, too, when you are not writing out the full amount on a check or handing over that large wad of bills in cash. Many people also do not keep a close enough eye on their bank accounts either when they rely solely on their credit cards as a method of payment. If a checkbook is correctly, and routinely, balanced, each time the user writes out a check, they are reminded of how much money is in their account. With a credit card though, the user is not ever reminded of how much money they have in their account, which makes it far easier to over-spend or drain their accounts. Even still, large companies and businesses often use checks when it comes to big amounts of money, paying their employees, or making donations. Usually, this is done with the help of a

If a checkbook is correctly, and routinely, balanced, each time the user writes out a check, they are reminded of how much money is in their account. With a credit card though, the user is not ever reminded of how much money they have in their account, which makes it far easier to over-spend or drain their accounts. Even still, large companies and businesses often use checks when it comes to big amounts of money, paying their employees, or making donations. Usually, this is done with the help of a Wycom Check Signer.

What does a Wycom Check Signer do?

Basically, as a CEO, president or vice president of a company, part of their job involves them writing out checks for a business expense, payroll, donation or anything else. However, oftentimes, these officials or their accountants never actually get the check handed directly to them. So if they never get the physical check, how are they supposed to sign it and make it valid? Well, to make things much easier, these important business people can view the check electronically on their computers, and an electronic check signer can help them to sign the check from the convenience of their laptops instead of having to track down the little pesky piece of paper. These electronic check signers have revolutionized the convenience of business.

What are the top benefits of the Wycom Check Signer?

  1. It saves time. It saves all of the time and hassle trying to track down the check, pass it from one person to the next, etc. The check can simply be scanned into the computer, sent to the signer, and signed with an electronic signature before being sent on to where it was supposed to go.

  2. The check signer keeps things organized. So many things, (i.e. papers, reports, documents, and files) get lost going from one person to another or are buried on desks or in drawers. End the madness and stay organized by sending checks virtually through the computer instead of physically via a currier.

  3. The check signer machines save money by reducing manpower. By sending and signing checks virtually, it removes the need for an extra payroll. There is now no need to pay someone to run back and forth, from person to person, with checks that need to be signed.

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