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Tellermate T-ix R1000

Tellermate Products

Tellermate T-ix R1000


Quick and straight-forward cash counting is vital with the retail, food service and grocery industries.

Faster and more accurate than hand counting, R1000 offers simple cash reconciliation functions for coins and bills, enabling accurate, easily managed cash control.

The R1000 is designed for businesses that place a priority on optimizing staff time. It can count a full cash register in under one minute, with valuable time savings that enable shorter, more efficient working days where efforts can be focused on tasks that improve your customers' experience.

Simplicity is at the heart of the design. A single, versatile count task with both automatic adding and scrolling ensures that the count is not interrupted by the need to press buttons

A summary screen at the end of the count gives a full breakdown of denominations and totals, preventing mathematical errors. The R1000 also facilitates best practice cash management, allowing store managers to be proactive in identifying and preventing errors or security issues.

“Installing Tellermate has radically improved and simplified our cash management, and has increased cash reconciliation speed and accuracy. Cash is better consolidated and the power of integration has given us cash visibility and audit ability.”

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