Prevent Identity Theft with a High Quality Shredder
One of the areas that pose a high risk of identity theft is within your sight-your paper mail, most of which you must shred. The U.S. Postal Service delivers over 150 billion pieces of mail annually, and much of that mail comprises identifying personal information that criminals might use to steal your identity.
Although shredding might be inconvenient, it's certainly necessary and fundamental to identity protection. Fortunately, our Destroyit Shredders will help you accomplish this task. Here's what you need to know about shredding.
Documents You Should Shred
Documents Comprising Financial Information
An identity thief could potentially use anything that originates from a financial institution. Of course, you must maintain copies of credit card and bank statements for record-keeping purposes, but for three years only.
You must shred anything older than this using our quality DestroyIt shredder. Additionally, you must shred voided checks, canceled checks, and any purchased online orders that comprise your billing or account information.
Documents Comprising Personal Information
Identity thieves are usually after your personal information. Your Social Security Number and birth date are particularly vulnerable, so ensure anything with those numbers goes through the DestroyIt paper shredder.
Other information you must watch for includes your address and full name, your driver's license number, work or telephone numbers. You should also shred employment-related documents that comprise personal identifying information, for instance, your itineraries, full name, and other data that criminals find valuable.
Documents Comprising Account Information
Don't place your account information at risk. Account numbers, passwords, and usernames are vital pieces of information that criminals try to capture. You must shred any printed mail with this information, for instance, bills, real property, and personal property tax statements as well as credit card statements.
This implies that you must shred mail that comprises information regarding your utility accounts, internet, and cell phone bills as well as comparable bills you might obtain regarding other owned properties, for instance, vacation property or rentals.
School and Child-related Mail
Criminals don't discriminate, so they could steal a Social Security Number whether it belongs to an adult or child. Consequently, the mail you obtain regarding your children, their school information, and health records should go in the shred pile. Similarly, any mail comprising your consent for school applications, school trips, and report cards should undergo shredding.
Junk Mail
Most people don't realize how dangerous junk mail can be. Bear in mind that it typically features a barcode on the front that can at times comprise personally identifying information. This comprises pre-authorized credit card offers, mail from insurance lenders and companies, as well as mail from membership organizations that might have access to your personal data.
Companies market to some demographics, frequently based on your occupation, age group, or buying habits. Therefore, you must shred junk mail, including the accompanying return envelopes.
Best Practices for Shredding
Shred-all frequently
A shred-all policy is a crucial step you can take towards information security. This implies a household dedication to shredding every document regularly. Establishing a routine for shredding implies that everybody in the home will recognize where and when shredding services occur in the home.
This policy means there's no way external sources will access sensitive information to commit crimes related to identity theft. By disposing of paper waste regularly, you control where it accumulates as well the amount. Once the box is full, use our high-quality shredder to accomplish this task.
Shred before you Recycle
Recycling paper helps decrease the resources you use and it's environmentally beneficial. However, you must do so in a security-conscious manner. Remember, the loose paper is frequently unattended for extended periods before recycling takes place and it could leave your pocketbook susceptible to possible theft.
While in recycling containers, the misplacement or theft of unguarded paper could take place. It could also just fall from the recycling truck and land on the streets. Our shredders meet both needs by ensuring responsible environmental and business practices. Using our shredder will ensure your information remains confidential while decreasing paper waste.
Reliable Shredding
You can depend on our shredders for the accomplishment of your task. With our high-quality machines, you don't need to worry about failures or unnecessary breakdowns. You can use our range of products confidently.
Investing in a quality shredder will help you decrease the likelihood of exposing sensitive information to identity thieves. If you don't know where to purchase one, you've come to the right place.