Regardless if the information is your own or for your business, it is essential to keep confidential information safe and secure. Having paperwork that is not necessary any more can allow for threats against your identity or a breach in data for your company. After sorting through your documents and deciding which ones you need to keep, the next step is to destroy the unwanted papers. The best and most secure way to do this is by using a paper shredder. Keep reading to learn why DestroyIt paper shredders are essential for every business's paper handling.
Depending on what kind of business you run and which types of information you have on different documents, destroying that information could be a legal requirement. These data disposal laws protect most financial, identity, and health information. Shredding paperwork and materials that are no longer needed regardless of the information on them can ensure that you do not accidentally miss a vital piece of information that could affect your identity or your company's reputation to protect its clients.
Being Efficient

By having a paper shredding machine to help you with the destruction of documents, you can save time which translates to saving money. Having someone destroy sensitive documents by hand will not only take longer, but it also allows for the chance of a security breach by giving another person access to the information or if the record is not destroyed enough. Many of the paper shredders available for commercial use today can handle shredding through rubber bands, staples, paperclips, and file folders. This means that once you have deemed a stack of documents no longer necessary, you can throw the whole pile into the shredder without worrying about removing whatever binding device you were utilizing to keep them tidy.
Being Eco-Friendly
In our modern business world, it is crucial for companies to show that they are doing their part to help save our planet and be efficient when utilizing resources and energy. One of the best ways to do this is to recycle. By shredding papers and documents, you make paper waste handling easier for the recycling process as you have already taken some of the steps required for paper recycling. You will want to ensure that when handling your shredded paper that it is bagged with only paper items and is ready for your recycling company to collect. If you have not considered this angle of paper shredding, be sure to talk to your local paper recycling companies to see what steps your business can take to make the process of getting your shredded documents processed and removed from your office the most efficient for you both.
Storage and Safety
Storing paperwork and documents can be time-consuming, messy if not done correctly, space inhibiting, and a safety hazard.
- Time-consuming
- Having to find the right file or right location to put specific documents for proper storage, requires extra handling time for each document.
- Messy
- If paperwork is not filed appropriately, it can look unclean and unkempt. Stacks of unsorted documents in any office make it look unprofessional
- Space
- If your office deals with multiple paper documents a day, it will not take long for that to accumulate to rooms full of storage.
- Safety
- One of the most flammable things in any office environment is paper items. By having an abundance of paperwork, you could be creating a fire hazard.
If your business or home office no longer needs those documents or if you can store required documents in a secure electronic way, it is always best to shred the physical copy. By eliminating the physical material, you keep your office presentable, efficient, organized, and safe.
Ensure Employee Loyalty and Client Trust
Every business must draw up documents regarding client accounts and documentation for services. By assuring those clients that you have a paper shredding process already put into place, they will know that you are taking their safety and wellbeing serious. Along with client information, it is common that businesses print out pay or discipline related documents. By having paper shredders in your office, every employee is going to feel better knowing that you have taken extra measures to ensure that their private information is secure.
Paper Shredders and PBS Office

Here at PBS Office, we carry a variety of paper shredders that will meet your business and personal shredding needs. There are several models offered that have specialized features for specific needs. We have knowledgeable and friendly team members who would be glad to discuss your paper shredder requirements and direct you to the devices that will best meet your needs. Please browse the paper shredder options we have on our
PBS Office website as well as reach out to our team through our online chat feature today!