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Should Check Signers Replace your Traditional Signing Methods?

By Cliff Haggan March 13, 2019 0 comments

As your business grows, time and labor saving methods become crucial. The old adage 'time is money' is never truer than in a burgeoning business. The smallest and most simple tasks can turn into major sinks of man-hour when replicated hundreds of times. The worlds of payroll and accounting feature countless instances of these simple tasks every day that can add up to a full-time employee or two if they are done by hand. As technology has evolved, it has introduced more measures to streamline business practices and make businesses run more efficiently. As these aspects improve, businesses are better able to grow and hire more employees. More employees mean more items such as checks that need to be processed thus rendering traditional check signing methods slow, inefficient, and open to theft.

The Limitations of Traditional Check Signing Methods

Traditional check signing methods require a person to address each individual check before it reaches its destination. In order for each check to be processed and sent to its destination, whether that is paying an employee or a vendor for services, it needs to be signed. The very traditional method is for an individual, the owner of the business, chief financial officer, or payroll official to sign each check. This isn't the most efficient method of signing checks, signatures are easily duplicated by those with talents of mimicry. This leaves a business exposed to forgers. Other traditional methods utilized include using seals and printers as methods of signing checks. Both of these methods are also simple for forgers to crack thus allowing them to steal money from businesses. Hollywood movies have been made about the careers of serial check forgers.

How Do Electronic Check Signer Machines Work

Manually signing checks eats up valuable man-hours that can be better used in other areas of your business, especially considering the security and efficiency of the electronic check signer machines available today. The most basic of electronic check signer machines work with by stamping or printing the signature on checks that are fed through the machine in a variety of methods. The plates for each machine and individually made with the authorized signer the only one who has access to the machine. The most modern electronic check signers employ a myriad of digital encryption and security methods to ensure that the signature cannot be forged or duplicated. These include small pictures and watermarks that only show up when one tries to copy or otherwise duplicate the signatures.

How Do I Choose the Type of Check Signer Machine I Need

When choosing what type and model of check signer machine your business requires you need to take an inventory of all of your business needs. Check signer machines are designed to hold various volumes of check runs at any one time and the most efficient machine is going to be the one whose volume best matches up with the number of checks your business averages per month. Another consideration is how many accounts you have that require check signing per month and whether or not these accounts are predicted to grow exponentially in the near future. Underestimating the needed volume could result in an overused check signer machine, it is best to overestimate the number of checks the machine will need to process per month. You also need to consider how many people will be authorized to sign checks and utilize check signer machines and from how many computers the machine might receive data. How many check forms does your company use? And how much security do you need based on company protocol and internal audits of your company?

Efficiency is Necessary for Every Business

In this day and age companies can not afford to be inefficient. With such a global economy, inefficient companies cannot be competitive and without security in their paper transactions, companies cannot operate safely. By switching your company over from archaic traditional check signing methods to secure, up to date, electronic check signer, you are ensuring that your company will continue to grow and prosper. The extra time and money saved by an electronic check signer machine will show exponentially in returns.