As a small business, you may have been ok signing your checks by hand as and when you needed to send them out. As you grow, though, you'll find that there's a lot of checks to send. Who has the time to sit and sign them all by hand? An electronic check signer could be just the thing for you. Here's how to know if you need one, and how to pick the best check signer for you.
Do You Need A Check Signer?
First of all, ascertain if you do need an electronic check signer. As mentioned above, if your business is growing, you may be finding that you're spending longer and longer signing all your checks. That means that you could be getting behind on other essential tasks. You may also have a group of people who are authorized to sign checks in your business. If this is the case, it may be difficult to get them to sign checks when you need them. With an electronic check signer, they can sigh them just with the touch of a button, reducing the time spent on this task drastically.
What Do You Need To Be Signed?

You may not need a lot of checks signed, but a
Wycom check printer can actually handle a few different signing issues for you:
Contracts:If you're always hiring new staff, then you'll be dealing with new contracts. These are important documents that you can't afford to leave waiting on your desk. Get an electronic check signer, and you can send them out ASAP.
Certificates:Certificates are important whenever your staff go through training or accomplish a milestone within your company. You can have certificates printed off, signed, and ready within minutes with the right software.
Invoices:You'll need to send out invoices in order to get paid, and there may be a huge stack all waiting to be sent. If this is the case, then make sure you get an electronic check signer and get them all done at once, and get paid faster.
How Secure Is An
Electronic Check Signer? There's plenty of customers who've put off buying an electronic check signer, as they're not sure how secure they are. This is a legitimate concern, as it sounds as though it would be a lot easier for someone to forge your signature. However, all of our check signing software is as secure as they come. You have a few options as to making your
signature secure. You could opt to have to input either a pin or a password, in order to access the signature files. What's great about these is that if there are several people who sign checks, it's easy for you all to have a different passcode. This keeps it secure for everyone involved.
What Should You Look For In A Check Signer?
So, you've seen why you might by a check signer, and what they should all offer. What should you be looking for in your
check signer?
Paper usage:Check signers use different types of paper, depending on the model. Some use cut sheet paper, like a regular printer, and other use a continuous feed. Decide what's best for you and your office.
The amount of users allowed: Every business is different, and you'll have a certain amount of people you'll want to sign documents with this machine. Decide on how many people should have access to it, and look for a Wycom check printer that can accommodate that number.
The amount of machines needed:If you'll have several check signers using your check signing machine, then you may need several machines. That means that every user can have one hooked up to their own PC and that there won't be queues to get checks printed when it's crunch time.
As you can see, there are all kinds of reasons why you would look into buying an electronic check signer. They can be a real lifesaver in the office, saving you a lot of time and effort. Get your checks signed instantly, and get back to the important tasks. With this guide, you'll be able to buy the right machine for you.